Sunday, November 28, 2010

And So It Begins...

In the past, I have not been so good at the blogging. This is attempt number 3. But unlike past blogging attempts, this time I actually have a theme in mind...

I was the child that had a million diaries, but only a few pages filled in each... I think that this was an early indicator for my current and lasting obsession with stationery and pretty papers, and the "it's too pretty to ruin by writing in/on it, or using it for a project!" mentality that I have. This has of course lead to a vast collection of scrap-booking papers, and supplies that I have yet to use.

Confession: I am a craft hoarder.

But it ends today. In the past month I have realised that crafting makes me happy. More than happiness, it gives me something else to think about when things aren't going so great, a constructive place to channel negative energies. Creating something fun, cute, quirky or beautiful, takes those bad feelings, and makes me feel good. Crafting is my catharsis.

With the holiday season upon us, what better time than to take an oath to craft more? I am going to vow, in the spirit of blogging, and creativity and self sanity to craft 1 project a week. I want to document these projects; share ideas etc.

First on the Holiday Craft docket is a little project idea that I got out of a Michael's flyer. Bird House Candle Sticks! Here are my raw materials....

What bird related project would be complete without a pesky cat! This, by the way is Burton. He is a little over a year old. And is incredibly nosy.

So- I plan to start in on these bad boys tonight! Keep an eye out for the finished product and any other tidbits I might feel the need to share in the mean time.

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